Scholarship Recipients

We are excited to congratulate our first graduates - Salamatu, Fatima, and Kadiatu! We aim to support 2-5 new girls each year with comprehensive scholarships.  

In addition, we supported Abass (our in country program manager) to purchase supplies in the capital of Freetown, deliver those packages to our scholars, and personally pay their schools fees to encourage transparency. 

Help us change more lives by donating today for our next round of scholarships.



"My name is Salamatu. I was born in Kassirie Village, Samu Chiefdom, Kambia district. The family of seven, I am the third child. We are all girls. After my education I could like to be an accountant so that I could be able to help my country in the area financial development. I could motivate my friends and even my community girls to know that no matter a person family background with hard work and determination you can become a successful person. I could so like the community people to know that girls or women are not meant for the kitchen."


"My name is Fatima. I was born in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone in a district called Kambia in Magbema Chiefdom. I lost my mom on the 5th May 2015 during the ebola crisis though she was not affected by the virus- she died of stomach pain. Looking at the current waves toward development, empowering the girl child educationally is of interest in achieving this. Helping me with a scholarship is of utmost benefit to me and my country. My ambition has always been to be an engineer. This I believe when achieved would motivate girls in my chiefdom who think engineering is only for boys."


"I am Kadiatu, a twenty-two-year-old Sierra Leonean. I was born and raised a village in Kambia district, Northern Sierra Leone. My parents depend on farming for our living. I still have the passion to learn so I could help liberate my family and support other people in my district to develop. I have been trying to go beyond the ultimate limits in my life but to date there has not been a clear way. I want to become a nurse and serve my people in promoting the deplorable health conditions in the district. I want to contribute to reduce maternal mortality which is very serious in our district."


Year 2 scholars

Aminata K.

"I come from a poor family. The cost of living is very hard as far as my family is concern. My father is dead and my mother is a farmer. Sincerely I need support. I want people to help me for my education. If I gain this support, I will learn to become a bank manager."

Aminata B.

"My name is Aminata B. I am an orphan. My mother die while I was in junior secondary school. My father die since I was in primary. My brothers are trying to support me but it is not really easy for them because they are still learning their works. I really want to learn. Education is my priority if I will get support to further my education."

Isatu B.

"My mother is a fish seller and we are 5 children to my parents: 4 girls and 1 boy. I failed my senior secondary school in 2017 because of financial problems. The whole year I couldn't go to school because I had to sell fish with my mother. My dream in life is to be a science student and become a doctor. I want to save the lives of my country."


I sat for five years without going to school due to lack of money, then I reluctantly got married due to family pressure. Because it has been my intention to learn I separated with my husband became a student of Samu Baptist Secondary School. I want to continue to go to school because that is the only way I can help my family and develop my community. When I finish school I want to become an Accountant so that I can help develop the economy of my country. I can only do this when I have the chance to learn.


"My name is Aissatu. My father is a common trader and my mother died when I was 4 years old. I stay with my auntie who help me with my education, but things are not right because she has 4 children to take care of. I want to be a medical doctor in the future so I can save the children's life in Sierra Leone."


My parents are farmers and it is through this that they support me in my education. At times it is very difficult to support me and as such I normally sat for a year without schooling because they do not have the money. When I finish my school, I want to become an Accountant and work in Micro Finance Organizations in Sierra Leone. This is because I would like to help and encourage my people to engage in good businesses and help develop our country.

Kadiatu K.

"I am 17 years old and live with my brothers. My father had kick the bucket (die), but there is a mum with me. I like school so much but their is a little problem. My brothers want my learning but have no opportunity to sponsor my education. My plan is to have requirement for university. I want to study economics to be a banker because it is my dream from childhood and I will be able to help micro finance opportunities to less privilege people in my community.