Welbodi Sierra Leone is run by a small but dedicated and caring team. Let us introduce ourselves:
Mambalo Town, Kambia District
hannah lawman
Hannah traveled to Kambia District, Sierra Leone in the summer of 2015 as part of the Ebola emergency response. It was during this time that Hannah got to know Abass (who would eventually become Welbodi’s program manager) and became passionate about continuing to support Sierra Leone even after the emeregency response ended. This experience started the idea for Welbodi Sierra Leone. Learn more about the story here. Hannah's day job is serving as Director of Research and Evaluation for Get Healthy Philly at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.
Makeni, Bombali District
casey bryson
Casey lived in Bombali, Sierra Leone for 9 weeks in 2014 for a teaching exchange program. While teaching, Casey was able to make lasting connections with the surrounding communities in Makeni. During this time the early Ebola cases were spreading to Sierra Leone. The struggles and tenacity of his host family to better their communities inspired Casey to work toward furthering education in Sierra Leone. Currently Casey is a high school math teacher in Tennessee.
Kambia Town, Kambia District
Mohammed Abass kamara
Abass was the project manager for the Ambulance Project in Kambia District. As a fierce advocate for the community, Abass lead the team to change hearts and minds through transparency and compassion. Abass graduated from Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leone with a degree in philosophy and lives in Kambia Town. He also aspires to continue his education so he can give back to his country.